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Recent Tips and Articles by Clydesdale Lawn Consulting LLC

The Importance of Weed Control

Maintaining a lush and vibrant lawn requires more than just regular watering and mowing - it demands effective weed control. Weeds are not only unsightly but also detrimental to the health and beauty of your lawn. They compete with desirable grass for nutrients, sunlight, and water, […]

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How Soil Sampling Can Benefit You

Soil sampling is a fundamental practice that can significantly benefit both seasoned gardeners and novice homeowners looking to cultivate a thriving landscape. By analyzing soil samples, you gain valuable insights into the nutrient levels and composition of your soil, allowing for precise and targeted fertilization. This, […]

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3 Reasons Your Yard Needs Fertilization

Fertilization stands as a cornerstone in nurturing a vibrant and healthy lawn, playing a pivotal role in providing essential nutrients that grass needs for optimal growth. Fertilizers replenish crucial elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, addressing any deficiencies in the soil and promoting lush, green […]

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Change Your Lawn With Our Lawn Care Experts in Evans